...THE UN Climate Change Summit started this week in Copenhagen with far more dissent than its organisers hoped for from two extremes of the climate change debate. We had the "grandfather of climate change", James Hansen, describing the proceedings as counter-productive and "a farce", while the chief Saudi Arabian negotiator to the summit, Mohammed al-Sabban, doubts the current science and suggests there is no longer any point in seeking agreement to reduce emissions. It is therefore certain that the global political debate on managing carbon emissions and climate change will continue well beyond the Copenhagen summit. It is to be hoped that the scientific debate is also permitted to continue...
Results released this year suggest that the degree of scientific certainty falls short of that desirable before we set binding targets and dollar values on carbon emissions. Indeed, Tim Flannery, chairman of the Copenhagen Climate Council admitted that: "We can't pretend we have perfect knowledge: we don't"...meanwhile two recent results published by top scientists cast doubt on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's theory about the link between atmospheric carbon dioxide and global warming. These are of of significance because whereas the climate models used by the IPCC rely on software to represent a large number of highly complex Earth processes, these results are equivalent to experimental observations on the Earth itself...more here...
AND what did it take to turn Tim Flannery into a sceptic ? Maybe something like this...
...sent by paleoclimatologist Ed Cook to the CRU's Keith Briffa, outlining his opinions on the current (2003) state of knowledge of past temperatures: "The results of this study will show that we can probably say a fair bit about (less than)100 year extra-tropical NH temperature variability (at least as far as we believe the proxy estimates), but honestly know fuck-all about what the (greater than) 100 year variability was like with any certainty (i.e. we know with certainty that we know fuck-all).. H/T Bishop Hill...
...and on the fourth, fifth and sixth days of Christmas, my true love sent to me...six doctors lying, five declines a hiding, four suspect graphs,three hockey sticks, two tricks to play and a cross section of a pine tree...
The Minnesotans for Global warming have new track out!
Beauty !
I think the ice bergs are melting in the sky. We have rain again.
Silly Haiku
It keeps our farmers very happy indeed, and so does "It's a Climategate Christmas". Check it out !
Definately a new twist on the twelve days of Christmas--great! I have no doubt that this global warming issue is one big HOAX with it primary goal being more government regulation of our lives and wealth redistribution via our state governments and the UN. Noticed you linked to TOTUS returning the favor and linking to your site. For some reason my blogroll widgets are not functioning at this time so I'm putting you into the sidebar in another way. Your listing is just below the logo for Crusader Rabbit. That is actually a better spot than on my lengthy blogroll. I'll keep it there. Thinking about a roll for my new downunder blogs and my British ones. You certainly have a way with words. Again thanks for linking.
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