Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Another (global warming) myth bites the dust...

...the Himalyan glaciers are shrinking, it's our fault ! According to CNN and the IPCC, they'll be all gone by's global warming !
Well no, not exactly... Glacier loss is apparently mainly caused by soot from Nepal, India and China. Hope the news gets to Copenhagen quickly, before they go off on a crazy, expensive and pointless CO2 tangent...

...the new research, by NASA’s William Lau and collaborators, reinforces with detailed numerical analysis what earlier studies suggest: that soot and dust contribute as much (or more) to atmospheric warming in the Himalayas as greenhouse gases. This warming fuels the melting of glaciers and could threaten fresh water resources in a region that is home to more than a billion people...more from WuWT here...

...and quote for the day, in a letter from Pennsylvania State Senator Jeff Piccola, to Pennsylvania State University re Climategate conspirator Michael Mann...from WuWT again...While Dr. Mann has made statements in the press during the last week to the effect of “I welcome this investigation” I wonder if he’s seen some of the correspondence being sent to PSU regarding him. Here’ s one from Pennsylvania State Senator Jeff Piccola that has some very pointed language...

“…anything short of the absolute pursuit of science cannot be accepted or tolerated.”

...suggesting that funding and careers could be at threat. Now there's a thought...

...and for your interest, and because it's the silly season, here's an old school photo of Alfred E. Neumann. See if you can spot the little chap...
...and a long overdue acknowledgment to Denis Dutton and his colleagues at Arts and Letters Daily. If ever a website captures (and holds on to) the promise of the internet it's this one. Refreshed daily with links to media sources, reviews, articles, essays, blogs and comment of interest, it's the first port of call for my morning's reading, and leads me straight to its twin site Climate Debate Daily. And by the way, although it's a bit late, Denis is the author of the very well reviewed The Art Instinct, a copy of which is on my Christmas wish list. Thanks and best wishes Denis !

...and I can't hang up my mouse, without including this blast at the British MSM from Gerald Warner writing in the online Telegraph...So, instead of proving its worth, serving truth and debate, arresting the attention of the public by exposing our rulers’ lies, the MSM are rolling over to become a mouthpiece of the consensus, repelling readers and viewers as they go online, just as citizens in Iron Curtain countries once tuned in covertly to Western media. The internet is the new samizdat. All of this may still be a relatively gradual process while all citizens are being deprived of is information and debate. But when the bill is presented to sustain the phoney religion consecrated at Copenhagen, when taxes rocket, when we can barely see by the light of mercury bulbs, when every amenity of life is threatened – will people still be willing to pay money for newspapers and television channels that tell them to submit to this tyranny, when they could be exploding the myth and freeing society?
It seems less than likely. The Mainstream Media are hanging themselves – it is doubtful that they can any longer be described as mainstream. These are turkeys voting for Christmas...more here...


Ron Russell said...

Would like to pose what is probably a dumb question: Would these receding glaciers created much needed farming and grazing land in those fertile mountain valleys? Seems their is always a flip side. The old story of the broken window, bad for the homeowner, but good for the glass company.

Ayrdale said...

Good question too. It has always seemed to me that global warming can only be overall a very good thing. It's global cooling that is much, much more malevolent. How many people die each winter from hypothermia ?

Anonymous said...

Alfred E...delicios. The little guy in the middle !