Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Karen Fish, a liberal babe with big clues...

The loopy but "progressive, tough and liberal" warmist Karen Fish has worked out why so many people disrespect Al Gore and refuse to accept climatastrophe, and don't all rush off to join greensleaze. It's all in the names, says the appropriately named Ms Fish.
Homer Simpson and James Hansen would no doubt agree. The names are so like so ...wrong says Ms (Red Snapper) Fish...Al Gore and all environmentalists are now being called stupid data changing ignorant frauds, and global warming and climate change a hoax.
How could this be happening? The root problem (is) with the names Climate Change, Global Warming and Environmental... these words are too narrow for the problems they describe and more importantly, people do not understand these words. “Environmental” sounds like a mental enviro. This is why the climategate people are so ready to pillory us over the climategate scandal. They think that we are mentally ill... H/T Tim Blair here...


Nessa said...

I am guffawing. PR to the rescue.

Yes, We Have No Bananas

Ayrdale said...

Yes, smoke and mirrors, literally...

Anonymous said...

Don't mock Ms Fish. She was bullied and teased at school. Called her horrible names.