...is progress towards socialism. Never mind that any move towards green left utopia is to turn the clock backwards. It's worth noting again that the green anti-capitalist left, who claim a copyright on the words progressive and caring are the group most prepared to resist real progress and work hard to condemn our most vulnerable and poor global citzens to ongoing poverty.
This from Tim Wilson, director of the climate and trade unit at the institute of public affairs, (hardly a rabid right winger) who observes with weary resignation; It's the poor who will pay for the Copenhagen circus...blogging from Copenhagen...

MORE people attend UN conferences than make a meaningful contribution, but even by UN standards delegates are describing the Copenhagen climate conference as a circus. Twenty-odd thousand green activists predominantly from developed countries are overwhelming the 8000 government officials and demanding meetings with delegations so they can push their proposals into any final agreement.
A handful of green, anti-capitalist activists has even infiltrated official negotiations and are representing countries in some negotiating stream...A motley crew of negotiators representing Bangladesh, Bolivia, Ghana and India have put into technology transfer negotiating texts the scrapping of intellectual property rights necessary to attract private investment in the development of climate-friendly technologies that are needed to cut emissions...The irony is that if there were as many people who cared about cutting poverty, the world's poor would be better able to adapt to the consequences of climate change and there'd also be the economic resources to cut emissions and deliver a binding agreement at Copenhagen...
more here...How to explain this persistent and transparent hypocrisy ? Only by appreciating that for the green left this is their last roll of the dice. As I have commented before, this argument defines their cause, and loss of the argument condemns them to total and permanent political irrelevancy.
The greens have no idea that the changes they are calling for will in the end hurt the environment more than help it. I recall as a young boy growing up in a very rural part of Mississippi I never saw a wild deer or wild turkey---they once plentiful animals had vanished from our part of the country. We also had no coyotes and only a few fox. Then something happened, the farmers who had raised a few cattle in a not so modern way suddenly got wise and began clearing more land and planting winter cover crops so the cattle would have something to graze on year round. They no longer ran their cattle in the wooded parts of their farms and the underbrush took over. Suddenly the deer population exploded---they had the cover crops to feed on in the winter and cover in the now dense wooded areas, along with the comeback of deer came the turkey, coyote and fox and many others. Also games laws were tighten. Needless to say now we are overrun with deer and they have become the number one killer of humans in this country. Yep, you guessed it, they come out at night for the most part and will not get out of the way of autos. I've personally know several people who suffered severe injuries from hitting deer.
Now the eco-freaks would restrict or stop cattle production, because of their greenhouse gas emissions they by causing many cattle ranches to go out of busines and the cover crops would be gone and the deer, well the pressure on them would increase not only from the loss of grazing areas, but from an increase in hunting---many people want their meat and with steak prices being increased by fewer and fewer cattle being raised hunters would fall back on the unfortunate deer. Game laws would be violated and the deer would slowly vanish from this area again as it had before. Didn't mean to go on about this. There are many other things I could go into about the unintended consequences the greens just can't see. They think they are the real environmentalist, but they are not, for it is the changes they want that will in the end hurt the great outdoors more than anything man is doing at this time. I was putting this in so fast as supper is ready I apolize for any typeos.
A great comment Ron, I appreciate it and endorse it. I also despise the green political activists, and the journalists who surrender to them without ever putting their so called caring policies under scrutiny.
If a major corporation mounted a marketing campaign that was so blatantly dishonest it would be exposed, and the corporation named and shamed. Look at how the MSM are cheerleading for the greens and their cause in Copenhagen !
Great logo, pity Greenpeace don't use it.
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