...As things stand, there will almost certainly be a climate change election. It won't just be about climate change, but that will be the totemic issue. The government will say that lifting the price of carbon is necessary to help the environment. That might be the case one day, but certainly not now. The challenge is to find ways to improve the environment without a great big new tax.
When Winston Churchill drove to Buckingham Palace in the dark days of 1940 to accept the king's commission, he felt that his whole life had been but a preparation for this moment, or so he recounts in his memoirs. This is not wartime Britain. And I am certainly not Churchill. Still, I feel well equipped to take on the leadership of the party in what are testing times for the conservative side of politics...more here.. and here... and here...
...AND on the eleventh and twelth days of Christmas, my true love sent to me, twelve thousand warmists meeting, eleven guns a smoking,ten computer programmes, nine researchers dancing, eight grants for milking, seven bears a swimming, six doctors lying, five declines a hiding, four suspect graphs, three hockey sticks,two tricks to play and a cross section of a pine tree...
All good politicians are excellent double speakers.
Six Random Words
...some are devious lying power hungry bastards to boot...
Cartoon on the air vent is worth a look.
Good one. Big Al as polar bear tucker...
Giving vast sums of money to these third world states is nothing but making some feel good about past so-called wrongs. And for others a backdoor to more government power and control over our day to day lives. The double talk on the issue is astounding and mind blowing. Politicans will always, "complicate the obvious while trivializing the momentous" its all bullsh*t!
I'd rather have a colonic irrigation than vote for Tony Abbott
Now don't be shy Nurse Myra, tell us how you REALLY feel about him.
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