Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Emissions Trading Stinks, (ask Aussies)...Something's in the air...

...sang Thunderclap Newman (a cousin of Alfred E.) back in the 70's. That something was insurrection and rebellion, and it's back. The findings of Climategate; data manipulation, data concealement, climate scaremongering and anti-scientific fraud (in fact all the usual hallmarks of green political chicanery) have led to widespread public anger and an abashed guilty silence from climate alarmists, aware that the whiff of a huge scientific scandal will not be dispelled easily. Christopher Booker, writing in The UK Telegraph says...

... these men (the so called hockey team) have been failing to uphold those principles which lie at the heart of genuine scientific enquiry and debate. Already one respected US climate scientist, Dr Eduardo Zorita, has called for Dr Mann and Dr Jones to be barred from any further participation in the IPCC. Even...George Monbiot, horrified at finding how he has been betrayed by the supposed experts he has been revering and citing for so long, has called for Dr Jones to step down as head of the CRU.

...it's now generally thought that the leak from the CRU was via a whistleblower rather than an outside hacker. It's likely then that there are more revelations to come. One day perhaps we'll know the true motivation behind AGW, and put names and faces to its backers. One day too, we'll understand why so many reputable scientists, politicians, science journals and media personnel have been and still are colluding in such an immense fraud. And the charge of collusion and fraud has been made directly and repeatedly without any mention of legal counter charge. Note this taunt from a letter writer in today's NZ Herald...(Dr) Jim Salinger says he is considering becoming a columnist so he can write what he likes without worrying about the facts. Jim can continue to be a climate catastrophist and ignore the truth without any need for a career change...

One day the gaps in our knowledge re this scandal and the pseudoscience behind it will be filled, and our debt to the courageous whistleblower/hacker will be evident. But while we're waiting for more revelations it's very apparent that this is not a scandal involving a cabal of right wing conservative politicians. If it was it would dominate the headlines and the PC media establishment would leave Tiger Woods relatively undisturbed. But... whatever future revelations may disclose...

...our hopelessly compromised scientific establishment cannot be allowed to get away with a whitewash of what has become the greatest scientific scandal of our age...More here...

...AND STOP PRESS...in Australia, Tony Abbott wins the Liberal leadership stoush, putting Rudd's ETS in doubt...The scene is now set for further ructions within the Liberal party or revolts in the Senate and a Liberal-Nationals Coalition attacking the Rudd Government’s ETS as a new tax. ..more here...


twawki said...

OT but great news - Tony Abbott, climate skeptic new leader of the opposition in Australia. www.twawki.com

Ayrdale said...

Yes, indeed...and with this news will come an ongoing in depth debate on why the politicians are so intent on selling us all up the green river. The climate "emergency" is over (the planet's cooling) and the science behind the phoney emergency is shonky, so why the huge push to follow the deep green party line ?

The debate in OZ should help us understand a little more.

nursemyra said...

Tony Abbott - I'm still laughing about that "is he or isn't he my son" scandal from a few years back

Carbon Con said...

I used to be a Green voter. Now I only have eyes for Tony Abbott and Steve Fielding. Oh the irony.

You guys gotta dump your ETS now! Bring back NZ First! Heh heh heh.

Ayrdale said...

Thanks Carbon, oh the irony indeed. We've opted for an ETS including agricultural emissions, OZ has dropped theirs (which didn't include agriculture anyway.) Makes NZ look like twats...