Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Is a free country possible under Labour ?

...a legacy of left wing government is increased bureaucracy and decreased freedom. As Ronald Reagan said "Man is not free unless government is limited." The nadir of NZ's last Labour government and probably the turning point for many voters, was the so-called anti-smacking bill, where parents faced arrest for smacking their children. In NZ, the institution we tend to bow to under Labour is the UN, in the UK, the voters are increasingly ruled by Europe, and according to Melanie Philips, corruption is the inevitable outcome...
...For more than three decades, Parliament has become increasingly powerless. In recent years, this was the result of the Labour Government deliberately outsourcing its powers — to the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembliy; to quangos, management consultancies or unelected advisers; or to the courts through human rights law.
But above all, the British Parliament has progressively surrendered its powers of national self-government to Europe, which has reduced the cradle of democracy to the status of little more than Westminster Regional Council.
This whole process was summed up in 1998 by Peter Mandelson, who observed with menacing perspicacity that ‘the era of pure representative government is coming slowly to an end’.
...Paradoxically, the diminution of Britain’s place in the world has gone hand in hand with an increase in the power of the State over its own citizens. Determined to ram through its agenda for a new world order of which the EU is an important part, the Labour Government increasingly concentrated power in itself while it steadily took it away from Parliament...more here...


MathewK said...

"Is a free country possible under Labour ?"

Not as long has they are infected with the disease of leftism, because at its core leftism is against freedom.

Ayrdale said...

...and for state control an army of bureaucrats is needed, each one having to justify his/her existence with regulations...freedom slowly erodes...