Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Global warming hits my home town...

...balmy Mt Maunganui, known for its surf beach and sunshine, rarely experiences a decent frost. Yesterday however, the situation changed and the dawning of a new ice age seemed evident. A freak hailstorm hit the Mount causing a total white-out. A local supermarket roof partially caved in, 3 cows were killed (either by lightning or hail) and surfers swapped their surfboards for snowboards...

Global warming is still the popular public catch phrase, even though the green left have tried to redefine their climatastrophe scenario as "climate change". This unprecedented weather bomb will make global warming a very hard sell indeed in this area...more from the NZ Herald here...

...and from Jennifer Marohasy, confirmation that the arch priest of voodo science, NASA's James Hansen, has got it all wrong with his theory about oceanic warming...ACCORDING to the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) hypothesis while surface temperatures may vary from year to year, as long as we spew out carbon dioxide there will be a gradual accumulation of heat in the climate system eventually resulting in a climate crisis.
In 2005, NASA boss James Hansen stated in an article in the journal ‘Science’ that confirmation of the planetary energy imbalance can be obtained by measuring the heat content of the oceans which are the principal reservoir for excess energy.
A problem for the AGW hypothesis now, is that the oceans have been cooling. Indeed there is no known mechanism to account for what some describe as vast amounts of missing heat, suggesting that contrary to the AGW hypothesis, heat is not accumulating in the climate system and there is no longer any radiative imbalance from all the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases... According to William DiPuccio, in a guest post at the blog ‘Climate Science’, this not only demonstrates that the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change models are failing to accurately predict global warming, but also presents a serious challenge to the integrity of the AGW hypothesis.
Mr DiPuccio concludes “When all is said and done, if the climate system is not accumulating heat, the hypothesis is invalid.” ...more here...

Oh Yes, thanks to G&S and to EvanMJones...
It is the very model of a modern Maunder minimum
(I wanted to be plainer but I couldn’t find a synonym)
And thanks to modern media it’s not believed by anyone
The sun has done a bunk and we will freeze for a millennium
And so I’ll see you later; I am off for the equator
For is the very model of a modern Major-minimum...


MathewK said...

Saw this on the evening news yesterday. Glad to see that it at least made the news even i no one had the brains to connect the dots.

I just hope some lefties were standing around in the open when all those hail stones came crashing down, might knock some sense into them i think.

Ayrdale said...

I think this cooling spell, and verification of sea temperature drop are the opening notes of the fat lady's song for AGW...