... The political prize will be awarded to the party that relieves (the public) of their dilemma; concern over climate change, even though there are no solutions to the apparent problem. Climate change has now peaked as an issue; the politics are just too hard...the opposition has promised to establish forums to further debate climate change policy. This sounds like the path to reposition the electorate to the only game in town on climate change: adaptation and investment in energy technology research and development...there is a risk to the environment in waiting for the technology to catch up, but that won't change the minds of several billion Chinese, Indians, Indonesians and South Americans.These people are not in the same game as the West, they want to lift their standard of living, and they will not be assisting in carbon abatement.
If in future historians of public policy dig through the entrails of climate change they will find a fascinating combination of millenarianism, ego-driven scientists, business that preferred to use the environment as a sales device, a propensity by governments to allow NGOs to get too close to the policy process, a media that mistook stunts for debate, lying former politicians, and current politicians who wanted to ride the hero's wave, retiring before their purported policies bore no fruit. There is good science and there is good economics, they each need time to guide the way. The job of the politician in this debate is to buy time...more here.
Agreed I tend to think Abbott is buying time and making sure the ETS isnt passed. Once that happens then there are more options available.
There are many people saying it is way beyond too late to fix the climate change / global warming trend.
Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Just read the notes on Twawki site about the extent of pension fund exposure to the green cause. This more than anything explains why this octopus continues to grow new legs. NZ still has the "live" ets and there are a growing pool of public servants fishing in this pond. It will take a lot more to beat this hydra!
TWAKI I think this has been the strategy of people like John Key all along. What really needs to be disclosed though, is the willingness to accede to UN wishes re so many divisive issues.
Nessa, don't believe them. fear and scare are the main weapons of the greens. Remember they DON'T know what's good for us !
Anon, I really can't see Keys agreeing to an ETS, particularly if Oz ditches theirs.
Tony Abbott's got his eyes firmly fixed on his prey doncha think ?
Well the UN, Gore etc is targeting the $ and there's a huge pool in super. It will fund their propaganda, MSM, Google whatever to achieve their aims with no regard for the average person and their future. This is all about agenda and they dont care about the lies. The grass roots movement needs to explode and quickly - people need to say to their super funds NO to UN PRI! If we had an NGO that advocated all superfunds direct money towards communist causes there would be uproar!
Oh yeah I think Tony is cluey about political process. KRudd is a sitting duck. He only has 20% support in his party so once his popularity falls (which it is) you watch the knives come out. He has a lot of history that keeps getting covered up - he wont have that luxury once he's deposed.
What's Abbott's position on that TWAWKI ?
...NO get the stupid old twit out. Hes a disgrace, and any replacement couldn,t be any worse. (Uneless it's Helen Clark)on second thoughts...
Money is already being handed over to certain trusts to buy ets credits now and for the future.
See news on Lake Taupo.
We are certain to be stuck with an ets.
"Money is already being handed over to certain trusts to buy ets credits now and for the future.
See news on Lake Taupo.
We are certain to be stuck with an ets."
If this is the case, then it has to be corrupt or stupid or both.
Please tell more. What's this about Lake Taupo ??
The funny thing is that the krudd govt. is still pushing ahead with it's stupid ets policy, never mind climate gate and the ipcc being torn to pieces.
"...particularly if Aussie voters have enough sense to elect Tony Abbott."
If the media in this country were at all fair, that would be easy, but they're not, so I'm not holding my breath.
Yes, the left have always had help from the MSM, but more and more people are turning off and getting their news from the blogs. Which is where we come in...
Well on public record he has said global warming is crap
but now hes proposing a carbon tax - my 'hope' is he is playing politics and with time as the IPCC implodes and KRudd gets booted hell come out and ditch the whole thing.
TWAWKI it's very interesting indeed to see politicians saying on the one hand AGW is crap, and on the other hedging their bets. It could just be political pragmatism or it could be that unseen international levers of power put a brake on dissent. Our own self appointed "perk buster" Rodney Hide has called AGW a scam, but that was 2 years ago...relative silence since...
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