...I posted earlier this week on the next move for the green left now that their fantasy of AGW is losing credibility and international political pulling power. It seems likely that TINA 'there is no alternative' will be wheeled in because of so called 'peak oil' - the finite reserves of fossil fuel energy. Hence of course, 'green' energy; wind, solar, tidal and pedal powered bamboo bicycles. It's TINA, you see...I also mentioned Julian Simon's wonderful book
'The Ultimate Resource 2' whose central theme is technological innovation and ingenuity. Fellow blogger
Al Fin observes that Russia is poised to take a huge leap forward by exploiting its colossal energy reserves......
Russia is full of valuable energy and mineral assets -- enough to make any oil sheikh envious. For a number of reasons, Russia's energy assets have remained largely undeveloped up until now. But with enormous discoveries of unconventional natural gas in North America, and with increasing development of Canada's oil sands, Russia is beginning to understand that if it doesn't develop and sell its energy assets now -- it may never have the chance. As young ethnic Russians disappear from the planet, the ability of Russia to defend its vast mineral wealth is shrinking daily. And as unconventional fossil fuel use, plus nuclear energy infrastructure, plus bioenergy development all expand, the world's need for Russia's product is beginning to shrink. The lesson to Russia: use it or lose it...more here......and this just in...“Exxon Mobil (XOM) announced today that in 2009 the company’s proven reserves increased by 133% of the amount of oil produced. Exxon now has 23.3 billion oil-equivalent-barrels of reserves comprised of about half liquids and half gas. It’s the largest amount in the company’s history.Amazingly, Exxon, who has been accused in the past of being too conservative in terms of exploration and development, has been finding more oil than it produces for each of the last 16 years, to the dismay of peak oil proponents.”
H/T Heliogenic Climate Change...more here......and, from
Charlie Martin, a word of caution...
Climategate: Skeptics Can’t Relax Yet — Real Fraud Is Measured in Dollar Signs, Not Degrees...while the world's attention is focussed on academic and scientific misconduct the questions remaining are ...'Once the theory of AGW was politically established, it was inevitable that the so called 'scientific consensus' leaned in that direction. So...
how did the theory become politically established, and who are the beneficiaries?...Al Gore had already been a devotee of the CO2 apocalypse before he lost the 2000 election...He joined in several financial ventures with people like Richard Sando
r, who had been a faculty member at Berkeley...and... with Peter Knight, his one-time aide, and David Blood, former CEO of Goldman Sachs and Gore’s campaign manager for 2000. Another part of this group is Maurice Strong, (see the masthead above ) who moved from involvement in the UN “Oil for Food” scam into environmental issues, and now lives in the People’s Republic of China where he advises the Chinese government. Sandor and Blood, along with Goldman Sachs and its then-CEO, Hank Paulson, founded the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), using seed money from the Chicago-based Joyce Foundation. One of the major stockholders, along with Goldman Sachs, is Generation Investment Management (GIM), a trading company co-founded by Al Gore and David Blood...The scientific climate clique of Jones and others provide the scientific basis for the political action, which in turn provides the need for the carbon credits that are created and traded by the carbon and climate cartel of Strong, Gore, Blood, and Knight. (Boy, that sounds like a Steve Reeves movie, doesn’t it?) And the money provided by these trading schemes then supports the science — as long as it’s the “right” science. And this is why we can’t get cocky. There’s no question now that the science must be re-examined. Re-examining the science, though, doesn’t mean that the political and financial machine just stops operating. There’s a lot of money involved. A whole lot of money. Potentially trillions of dollars. So we’re not done yet...more here......and, doesn't it strike anyone else as odd, scandalous even, that this issue has not been taken up by the MSM ? Why would that be do you think ?
Good work dude. More people need to know.
It won't be long before political parties (particularly pre-election, as we will be next year, and Australia this year) have to take notice of the blogosphere. It is a modern day disgrace that people making money out of the CO2 scare can be so blatant, and get away with it !
Don't forget the BBC has a large chunk of their pension fund in "green" investments. It would be logical that any and all who have bet their retirement income on this are not going to collapse the house of cards..
Mmmm, ethical investments anyone ?
The Beeb are surprising a few people, see BishopHill at...
About the MSM not exposing this fraud. We know that NBC and its baby MSNBC are closely connected to GE, about as close as you can get. And that GE is putting all its chips on green energy sources. Liberals in general have brought into this fraud lock, stock and barrel and will not retreat on this issue. And lets face it the MSM is dominated by those on the left. For now I'm enjoying watching the spinning and squirming of those on the left!
What are the chances though of a class action suit against alleged AGW conspirators ?
I'd love to take part...
Get say 10,000 people world wide, each putting $100 in. The publicity and the legal exposure of the chicanery would be fascinating. It'd probably be turned into a movie, Mel Gibson directing.
But with every government in the dock, where do you find a judge to hear it?
Mmmm. Utah ?
Punchline of a Billy Connolly joke...
"As long as they are shitting in our shoes and we are pissing in their Bovril there will always be violence in football"..
We are breathing their air and making nasty CO2...
...how very intriguing. Really ? That big ?
Further to the lawsuit question...
"SLF began work on global warming issues in 2006 with investigations into mass tort/class action lawsuits filed after Hurricane Katrina alleging public nuisance claims against American industry for “causing” alleged global warming that caused the destructive hurricane. During the investigation, SLF uncovered scientific evidence by leading credible scientists that “global warming”/climate change is not the “consensus” established by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its reports. Further investigation – as well as review of recent disclosures by a whistleblower at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Copenhagen conference failures, and “Climategate” disclosures of alleged data fraud – reveal that the matter of human-caused (anthropogenic) climate change is anything but “settled science...SLF, representing a group of well-informed and concerned Americans, including leaders in Congress who have been intimately involved in climate change issues for more than a decade, has brought the first of likely several court and administrative legal actions...
Yay !
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