Tuesday, 16 February 2010

The Kiwi ETS...will it ever fly ?

...the goony bird is still in gestation. If it hatches it seems doomed to become an expensive and useless indulgence, and fated to degenerate into an embarassed, lonely abomination that ultimately vanishes down its own dollar sinkhole. Reviewing Climategate, its associated IPCC shortcomings and the Kiwi ETS, ex ACT MP Muriel Newman observes...

...What all of this means for New Zealanders is that we are a victim of a global warming scaremongering campaign. Our political leaders have imposed on the country a range of policies based on evidence provided by the IPCC. The problem is that...this so-called evidence has been found to be riddled with fraud and deceit. It is up to the government to extricate us from the consequences. With the disastrous emissions trading scheme ready to kick in later this year, surely the government must postpone it until it has investigated the veracity of the evidence on which this policy is based. With an estimated $1 billion cost, the ETS should be repealed once it is revealed that the evidence does not to stack up... more from Muriel Newman, here... AND meanwhile what's Helen Clark up to these days ?

...The head of the United Nation's Development Agency's, Helen Clark, has called for climate change to be put at the very centre of international development thinking, during her 2-day visit to Australia.While in Sydney, Ms Clark, who's the former New Zealand Prime Minister, used an address to the Lowy Insitute to set out a four-point strategy for moving the development agenda forward...more here...

...and Quote of the Week from the IPCC's Rajendra Pachauri, with H/T to WuWT...

Q: Has all that has happened this winter dented the credibility of IPCC?
R.K.P.: I don’t think the credibility of the IPCC can be dented. If the IPCC wasn’t there, why would anyone be worried about climate change?

...AND news that Kiwi Pete Bethune, skipper of the (late) Ady Gill (left) is being held by the Japanese and may face piracy charges, brought this very interesting article to my attention from Tim Blair in the Sydney Telegraph...Just who is telling tall tales of whales ?

...AND, how long will it be before ICBM's are obsolete technology ? This is great news, that for the first time an airborne laser has shot down a ballistic missile...more here...

...breaking news from the UK, re allegations of child abuse and very high level cover up, here...


Ron Russell said...

I think we may yet dodge that global warming bullet here in the states. But Obama and gang will be looking for that back door approach such as the EPA and Executive Orders---both methods could by-pass congress.

If the laser technology come along, it could eventually poise a problem for ICBM's---sounds like stars wars all over!

Ayrdale said...

You bet Ron, that'll have the "peace" brigade tied up in knots, and I'll bet is already operational in Israel.

Anonymous said...

Ahoy Ayrdale Muttley.
1. Page 14 of today's London Times has a piece about a blogger called - I think - Mr Graham-Cumming [double-barrelled name]and his work on poor-quality warming data.
2. More importantly, my email is as follows:
It might be an easier way to co-ordinate next Monday.
Keep informing, Ayrdale. That's what you're good at...

Ayrdale said...

Thanks Butch.
Will check it...blogging today and tomorrow, then the world can turn without me.

MathewK said...

Maybe now the scumbag greenies whining about the whales will be brought to justice.