Monday, 18 January 2010

The Pacific Century is underway...

...and was introduced onto the world stage in Copenhagen, accompanied by international rejection of the UN/EU'S climate policies. The antiquated and alarmist scare policies of the bureaucratic green left have been discredited and the hope for green resurgence and triumph at the next climate gabfest in Mexico this year looks very forlorn...

...The failure of the UN climate summit in Copenhagen is a historical watershed that marks the beginning of the end of climate hysteria...The extent of the debacle and the shift in the balance of geopolitical power was demonstrated by the fact that the final accord was made without the participation of the European Union. The exclusion of Europe is a remarkable symbol of the EU’s growing loss of influence, a green bureaucracy that was not even asked whether they agreed with the non-binding declaration of China, India and the USA. Although the Copenhagen conference was held in a European capital, the negotiations and the final result of the conference were totally outside European involvement...The failed climate summit caused a tectonic shift in international relations and left behind a new political landscape. After Copenhagen, green Europe looks rather antiquated and the rest of the world looks totally different...a concrete timescale for the curtailing of global CO2 emissions, not to mention the reduction of the CO2 emissions, has been kicked into the long grass. The green dream of industrial de-carbonisation has been postponed indefinitely...The developing nations are not stupid. They have ensnared the West in a climate trap that green politicians set for the Western world, the general climate hysteria shows a marked cooling. If recent opinion polls are to be believed, the obsession with climate change, which was a common feature during much of the 1980s and 90s no longer exists. In its place, climate fatigue is spreading... the biggest losers of the Copenhagen fiasco appear to be climate science and the scientific establishment who, with a very few distinguished exceptions, have promoted unmitigated climate alarm and hysteria. It confirms beyond doubt that most governments have lost trust in the advice given by climate alarmists and the IPCC...Climate science too is facing a crisis of credibility. It is confronted by growing doubt and criticism, not in the least as a result of the so-called Climategate scandal, the revelations about the behind-the-scene shenanigans by leading climate researchers...In order for a new climate realism to be successful, governments and government agencies should start, at last, to engage and involve critics of conventional climate politics. Instead of continuing to follow the futile approaches and failed policies promoted by climate alarmists for far too long, governments would be well advised to be introduce more balanced and more transparent assessments of climate science and policy research...more here...


Ron Russell said...

It does certainly seen that scientific research has become politized. Many researchers depend on money from governments to support their research, other wise they would be confined to the classrooms and not to the labs. They know for sure which side their bread is buttered on and are not likely to forget. They just say, what their masters want to hear.

Ayrdale said...

Yes, and I think that people of conscience within climate science circles must sleep uneasily at night.