Monday, 25 January 2010

Cheats, crooks and frauds, and the silence in court... deafening. Allegations of fraud dominate the field of climate science these days. In the USA lawyers are permanently poised to leap into lawsuits. Climate sceptics however, have over the last 18 months described high profile warmists as liars, crooks and frauds. (See this example.) No lawsuits have been presented against these specific allegations of scientific dishonesty. Today's article from The American Thinker details new allegations of fraud at two of the USA's leading scientific institutions...

...the blatant corruption exposed at Britain’s premiere climate institute was not contained within the nation’s borders. Just months after the Climategate scandal broke, a new study has uncovered compelling evidence that our government’s (USA) principal climate centers have also been manipulating worldwide temperature data in order to fraudulently advance the global warming political agenda...Not only does the preliminary report [PDF] indict a broader network of conspirators, but it also challenges the very mechanism by which global temperatures are measured, published, and historically ranked...the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) stands accused by the two researchers of strategically deleting cherry-picked, cooler-reporting weather observation stations from the temperature data it provides the world through its National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). D’Aleo explained to show host and Weather Channel founder John Coleman that while the Hadley Center in the U.K. has been the subject of recent scrutiny, “[w]e think NOAA is complicit, if not the real ground zero for the issue.”
And their primary accomplices are the scientists at GISS, who put the altered data through an even more biased regimen of alterations, including intentionally replacing the dropped NOAA readings with those of stations located in much warmer locales...we’d be nuts were we to surrender our freedoms, our economic growth, and even our simplest comforts to duplicitous zealots before checking and double-checking the work of the prophets predicting our doom should we refuse
...more here...
...I wonder if the silence in court is due to articles such as THIS from today's Times of London...
"UN wrongly linked global warming to natural disasters..."


Anonymous said...

How can you tell a climate scientist is lying? His lips are moving!!

Truth is no one knows. The record is too patchy to say with any certainty what has caused the (probably) small warming since the little ice age. Certainly the data is inadequate to spend billions of tax payer dollars to remedy it! We are better off spending our money on things that are really dangerous;
Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Asteroids!

Ayrdale said...

Allegations that have been made against high-profile warmists, would in the past have led to pistols at dawn. If the scientists at the centre of these allegations don't defend their research and their reputations they are in effect saying that they have no real confidence in their findings.

Ron Russell said...

It does seem that Global Warming is melting and each day that huge iceberg of faux data melts away when flooded by the light of truth.

Ayrdale said...

Yes, I hear that Al Gore is in therapy with acute depression, Hansen's under sedation with psychosis and Michael Mann's under arrest...

Anonymous said...


I've written a full length hardcover book: Climatism! Science, Common Sense, and the 21st Century's Hottest Topic as my contribution against climate alarmism.

Is there anyway I can contact you directly?

Please email me a or call at 815-462-8924.


Steve Goreham

Ayrdale said...

Welcome Steve. Delighted to make contact. Have just had a look at...