Thursday, 7 January 2010

A modern day obscenity...or how Britain is f***ed...

...from the great Guido Fawkes, his calm reflection on the wisdom of the welfare state and the modern marvel that is British multiculturism...

...Here is another evidence-based chart you won’t see elsewhere; it shows how much taxpayers are forced to give to Anjem Choudary – the extremist cleric who wants to lead a protest march through Wootton Bassett. He claims £25,740 in benefits to subsidise his hate preaching. Guido questions how he can be seeking work when he spends all his time rabble rousing in broadcast studios and on demonstrations. In contrast a frontline soldier, fighting Choudary’s taliban allies in Afghanistan, takes home £17,004 for risking his life. If that private is killed in combat, his widow and children would have to live on a pension less than Choudary gets.
Why are British taxpayers paying their enemies more than their soldiers? Is Choudary really actively seeking work? The evidence suggests he has other priorities – so stop his benefits…more fellow blogger Butch observes ISLAMONAUSEA...

What the hell is going on in Europe ? And is the situation any better here ? Where is there any political will to stand up to radical Islamists and the excesses of the welfare state and declare that enough is enough ? In 1988 when Salman Rushdie had a fatwa issued against him after publication of The Satanic Verses, Western intellectuals rallied to his side. However, when the Mohammed cartoons appeared in Danish newspapers 3 years ago, the cry from the liberal left, typified by France's Jacques Chirac was "anything that could offend the faith of others, especially religious beliefs, must be avoided." Although of course, that didn't apply to anti-Vatican sentiment, or to any statement at all from "progressive" gay or lesbian Anglicans. Where is there any political will to stop this slow suicide of the West ? Perhaps the blogosphere may hasten reform as the MSM lose credibility and support. Everyone, particularly those within the media, should repeat the truth expressed by Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean), who declared that "the right to offend is far more important than any right not to be offended." More on this here...


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Ayrdale. Yes, here in Blighty our rulers are trying to loathe us out of existence and so, as you say, we lavish gifts on those who hate and despise us while insulting those who want to protect and serve. We don't need a general election; we need general insurrection.

Ayrdale said...

A failure of resolve and courage Butch is at the heart of it, and not from the voters, from the bureaucrats and political leaders.

Ron Russell said...

Mark B., you are right, elections will only bring in a new bunch of bastard at best. A total house cleaning is in order and only one way to have that--revolution!

Ayrdale said...

Well, Ron from Texas and Butch (Mark)from London, I'm arrogant and idealistic enough to suggest that if at least one general election is fought on the AGW issue (as I believe Australia's will) the level of international public scrutiny will bring revolution/insurrection (in the nicest possible way) forward by a huge extent.

2010, the year the world started coming to its senses...

Anonymous said...

...we live in hope of that. Cheers.

Kaboom said...


Happy New Year, you Old Bastard!

I harbour extreme doubts about the Mad Monk - I think he is going to come out swinging as Turbull Lite, and will be proposing a stupid AND insipid carbon tax, in order to placate the Believers.

His proposal will get nowhere, but at least he will have the opportunity in the future to say:

"I was against Global Warming after I was for it!"

We have to gird up to the biggest fight of our (COMFORTABLE) lives - AGW did not disappear with Copenhagen, it will resurrect itself in a far more powerful form, very quickly.

Semper Fidelis!

Ayrdale said...

Happy New Year KB to you too. I agree 2010 will bring new challenges re AGW, but at least they can't talk about consensus or the science being settled any more, without a huge pong of BS.