Monday, 11 January 2010

The mask of the beast is slipping...

...and it is becoming evermore apparent that an inconvenient democracy continues to thwart the one world utopians of the green left. After the failure at Copenhagen the alarmists are now openly stating that we, the unconvinced, unconcerned and unfrightened sceptical general public need to be controlled and led by authoritarian dictatorship. Doubters such as ourselves have recognised the face behind the green mask long ago. Now we have confirmation of the truth; that fear, overstatement, misrepresentation and lies have all been employed by the green left in an attempt to herd us into the collective fold where we can be told to lie down and accept scientific "consensus". As Brendon O'Neill has observed in Spiked...It’s almost as if one of the pious nuns who taught me at school, and who frequently spouted (her) prejudices, suddenly happened upon scientific evidence to back up her worldview. Well, I say to the new green hectors what I often dreamt of saying to that nun, but never did: F*** off.
...As we enter 2010 we are moving into new territory and new tactics from the green left. After Climategate the myth of an untarnished, unbiased pure scientific consensus over AGW has vanished, and we see the totally unmasked face of the adversary. (And it looks remarkably like Helen's.) However misshapen, this new face and openess from the green left is to be welcomed...This, from Roger Pielke jnr, H/T Climate Change Daily...

...Leading climate scientists insist that humanity is at a crossroads. A continuation of present economic and political trends leads to disaster if not collapse. To create a globally sustainable way of life, we immediately need in the words of German climate scientist Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, a "great transformation." What exactly is meant by the statement is vague. Part, if not the heart of this great transformation is in the eyes of some climate scientists as well as other scientists part of the great debate about climate change a new political regime and forms of governance: "We need an authoritarian form of government in order to implement the scientific consensus on greenhouse gas emissions" according to the Australian scholars David Shearman and Joseph Wayne Smith their book The Climate Change Challenge and the Failure of Democracy. The well-known climate researcher James Hansen adds resignedly and frustrated as well as vaguely, "the democratic process does not work". In The Vanishing Face of Gaia, James Lovelock emphasizes that we need to abandon democracy in order to meet the challenges of climate change head on. We are in a state of war. In order to pull the world out of its state of lethargy, the equivalent of a global warming "nothing but blood, toil, tears and sweat" speech is urgently needed...more from Roger Pielke Jnr here...

...and note this, from the archives of arch alarmist George Monbiot of the Guardian, "Black Shirts in Green Trousers"

From comments...I might be more inclined to pay attention to climate scientists if they could learn to site and calibrate their thermometers properly. Or adopted the scientific method (in re: transparency and replication). I'd be more inclined to listen to their conclusions, if their use of computer models didn't violate the principles of forecasting. And if the studies they hype the most (Mann, Rahmstorf, Steig, Briffa, et al) didn't turn out later to be large piles of gobsmackingly inept crap. And it might help their credibility a bit, if their key datasets were not amateurish messes of code, bereft of quality control, manipulated in secret, and maintained by doctrinaire extremists...more here...


Anonymous said...

Helen. Helen who ?

Ayrdale said...

Helen Clark, our last, very unlamented Prime Minister, now controlling a few underlings with a multi-billion dollar budget at the UN.