Thursday, 21 January 2010

Scott Brown, the new kid on the block...and the crisis in the green church...

...this bloke will make a name for himself if he keeps this up...

"...And let me say this, with respect to those who wish to harm us, I believe that our Constitution and laws exist to protect this nation, they do not grant rights and privileges to enemies in wartime. In dealing with terrorists, our tax dollars should pay for weapons to stop them, not lawyers to defend them." H/T Michael Phillips at ProCommerce...
...and, on December 17 of last year, while campaigning for the Massachusetts Senate seat, the Boston Globe published Scott Brown's answer to the question, “Do you think that whole global warming thing is a big fraud?’’
“It’s interesting. I think the globe is always heating and cooling,’’ he said. “It’s a natural way of ebb and flow. The thing that concerns me lately is some of the information I’ve heard about potential tampering with some of the information.’’...“I just want to make sure if in fact . . . the earth is heating up, that we have accurate information, and it’s unbiased by scientists with no agenda. Once that’s done, then I think we can really move forward with a good plan.’’ Al Gore, Michael Mann, et al, meet Scott Brown.
"...In Scott Brown we have an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against woman (sic)." Keith Olbermann, MSNBC host. To which Mark Steyn responded, under the heading "Homophobic Nude Teabaggers on the March":
"That's certainly why I'm supporting him. But who knew there were so many of us?" H/T Samizdata.

...and, as if Climategate and failure at Copenhagen wasn't enough of a disaster for the left, here's Mr. Brown. His election will force the red greens of the US environmental movement into further agonised debate and disarray. Already, with the debacle of 2009 weighing heavily on their backs they are facing huge policy changes and cultural contradictions; the most obvious being their attitude to nuclear energy. For decades their mantra has been that...“The biggest threat to our environment is global climate disruption, and the greatest problem in that context is America's energy use and the policies that undergird it.” (James Speth "Red Sky at Morning: America and the Global Environmental Crisis"). Green activists, and James Speth in particular, have been instrumental in curtailing the US nuclear energy programme. Speth himself filed a crucial 1973 lawsuit against a government plan to commercialize fast breeders. And, as Ronald Bailey of Reason Magazine observes...Fast breeders are nuclear power plants that can produce more fuel... than they use. They can also produce electricity by burning up highly radioactive nuclear waste and the plutonium removed from nuclear weapons. On top of that, the radioactive waste that fast breeders generate after their fuel is recycled decays after just a few hundred years instead of the tens of thousands of years it takes for the waste from conventional reactors to decay. Plus, since fast breeders produce more fuel than they use, there's no need to mine additional uranium. And finally, new fuel processing technologies have largely allayed concerns that the plutonium produced by fast reactors could be diverted and used to produce nuclear weapons. In other words, fast breeders could be the ultimate in renewable energy...So here’s the really aggravating part of Speth's self-congratulation about stopping the commercialization of breeder reactors: In an alternative universe where 200 fast breeders come online, U.S. carbon dioxide emissions would be about a third lower than they currently are... Speth, and thousands like him are now awake to the fact that the world has moved on past the glory days of green self indulgent righteousness. Green hypocrisy and green cultural contradictions are now dragging them down towards irrelevancy....more here...


Ron Russell said...

Little doubt about it, an earthquake was felt last evening in Washington as Teddy Kennedy rolled over in his grave and the resulting fault will split the democratic party. About time. They will no longer march in lock step with Obama.

Ayrdale said...

Green faces to go with green brains. Brown's success will be a real problem for the media. He looks like a media magnet, so publicity will be useful and beneficial, but they'll be keen to dig dirt.

Anonymous said...

In this context, there's an interesting story behind Brown's opponent, who as Attorney General presided over a witch hunt conviction of so called sex offenders.

MathewK said...

The left gnashing their teeth and in disarray, that's what i like to hear.

Nessa said...

Can Scott Brown be homophobic and a teabagger at the same time? Is he a preacher?

Ayrdale said...

Scott Brown homophobic ?

I wouldn't think so, it looks like it would take a lot to frighten him.And I don't really know exactly what a teabagger is Nessa...please advise.

Anonymous said...

Quote of the day.

"Crisis ? what crisis ?" Al Gore.

Nessa said...

Ayrdale, I don't believe you.


cbullitt said...

Speaking of watermelons going off e deep end, you might enjoy this:

Ayrdale said...

Nessa, forgive this Kiwi his ignorance. I guess "teabagger" is a derogatory term for a protester who attends a "tea party". Is that right ??