Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Greensturbators and Bansturbators...

...are the one and the same, so called progressives, with the keen pong of what they laughingly call "social justice" and "political awareness" about them. They are the modern day elitist, snobby Tories, real conservatives who hanker for and work for a lost and discredited political system and who pretend to be tolerant but despise any dissent. They are the bossy commissars and bureaucrats who worship a collectivist mindset over individual initiative and personal freedom, who hate any attempt to instil personal responsibility and think it the height of political sophistication to ban everything in their power in the name of the greater good. As Cranmer writes... in the name of progress they have robbed us of our historic liberties: equality is the new religion, closely followed by man-made global warming. And any dissent from these tyrannical creeds creates such a jarring dissonance that one is pilloried, slandered and ultimately burned at the stake.

Those of us who have become weary of politicians, who have seen many elections come and go with no progress towards greater individual responsibility, and who witness declining personal freedoms, who have learned not to get their hopes up when a fresh face with new ideas comes along, may look for refreshment in 2010 with the possible prospect of an Australian general election. Hope springs eternal, and Tony Abbott may contest Australia's political future and focus the eyes of the world on the science, politics and economics of climate change. Debate, debate, debate at last, thank God Almighty, debate at last !

And greenwatchers who sense a subtle change in media reporting re AGW after Nohopenhagen and Climategate, will be interested to hear that The Times of London has withdrawn an ad. suggesting that "...climate change has allowed the Northeast Passage to be used as a commercial shipping route for the first time," and cancelled a preceding ad. suggesting that the world's oceans would be "free of fish" by 2048. It's not just the cold winter weather oop north mekkin the green spines shiver...more from New Scientist here...


Ron Russell said...

We are freezing our butts off here in southwestern Mississippi, not too far from the Gulf of Mexico and the banks of the big muddy(Mississippi River). We may roast next year, but this year its cold as a witch's tit. The weather, well everybody talks about it, but no one can do anything about it. Who are the scientific wonders who can wave the magic wand and part the oceans and clean the skys. Frankly this is bullsh*t in the first degree and those who swoller this crap are undoubtly feeble brained idiots or drunks on a life-long binge!

Ayrdale said...

"The weather, well everybody talks about it, but no one can do anything about it..."

And there's a huge degree of battle fatigue re chicken little climate catastrophe too.

Anonymous said...

Both greensturbating and bansturbating will stunt growth and make you blind. Look at all the evidence.

Dad told me.