Friday, 21 November 2008

Sun spots, the Barycentric orbit and climate...

...The earth’s magnetic field, which acts as a shielding, is altered by the sun’s activity, which, in turn, is indicated by means of the number of sunspots. As the earth’s magnetic shield varies, so the cloud cover varies. Few sunspots mean a weaker earth shield, which means more cosmic rays, which mean more clouds, which mean a cooling earth.
The correlation for this effect, going back thousands of years, is good, remarkably so. Scientifically, this looks believable, and it is consistent with the theory and observation.
In contrast, the argument that man-made carbon dioxide (CO2) is causing warming does not fit the facts at all. Firstly, there was no industrial CO2 produced in vast quantities when the Roman Warming period occurred, or when the Medieval Warming period occurred. Both are well documented in various archives, such as the historical and archaeological...more here
...Also see the work of Dr Henrik Svensmark, here...
And from The NZ Climate Science Coalition, and Dr Jim Sprott, details of why the IPPC will have to reappraise its evidence, and's to do with the Barycentric orbit...The much-vaunted IPCC scenarios are patently wrong. The man-made climate change proposition fails. And with it fails the whole panjandrum of carbon trading; the Government’s Emission Trading Bill; Mr Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” which does not live up to its title. More to the point – the world’s climate will be cold and harsh for decades. And it’s started already!
So what effects will this inescapable cold period have on New Zealand? In a word, catastrophe..
.more here


Oswald Bastable said...

It's bollocks- like any religion!

Ayrdale said...

...all the sceptics have to do is to illuminate the doubt...