Saturday, 15 November 2008

European muslims debate...should gays be executed ?

...while the death penalty for homosexuals is, indeed, an orthodox Islamic position — one about which the Fatwa Council’s head, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, has himself written sympathetically — Western Muslim leaders, in accordance with the Koran (and with good strategy), prefer in such controversial cases not to challenge infidel law. (There will, after all, be time enough to execute gays in the coming decades, as the Muslim population attains critical balance in one country after another — first, most likely, in France and Sweden and the Netherlands, and in Norway some time after that.)
It maybe only my misconception, but the GayRights/Aids activist lobby seems to me to be mainly leftwing. The war on terror probably wouldn't interest them much then I suppose...
More here...

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