Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Lest we forget...

...where socialism can take us...on the 70th anniversary of the beginning of 4:45 a.m. on Sept. 1, 1939, to be precise—the German battleship Schleswig-Holstein began to shell the Polish military base at Westerplatte. For the Germans, for the Poles, and for the British and French, who immediately declared war on Germany, this was the beginning of World War II. The Soviet Union, having signed a secret agreement with Nazi Germany, did not declare war but was itself preparing to invade Poland and the Baltic States. Which it did, two and a half weeks later, on Sept. 17... The former Allies prefer to remember the bits of the war—D-Day, for example—that contribute to their memory of the 1945 Triumph of Democracy, preferring to forget that the war's initial raison d'être, the independence of Poland and the freedom of Central Europe, was not really achieved until 1989... The majority of Russians, a recent poll shows, do not know that the USSR invaded Poland in 1939...more from Slate here...
...nor I would guess do the majority of the rest of us. Perhaps we all need to reflect on the fact that the Soviet Union today is still attempting to recover from decades of a corrupt ideology, and that Nazi Germany followed a similar course, taking the world down a road to hell...

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it," Santayana's Law of Repetitive Consequences...
...and how does all this relate to climate change/global warming ?
...I don’t believe that the (U.S.) Administration’s sense of urgency is driven by Copenhagen. Copenhagen simply gives them another argument for swift passage of a bill – any bill. Instead, I think that they need to act quickly before:(a) Obama loses any more popular support(b) Additional data comes in confirming the fact that global temperatures have stopped rising(c) People have time to review the (Waxman Markey) bill and the facts.
We know that the bill is not about reducing global warming since even its supporters admit that it will have a negligible impact. We know that it’s not about raising money since the government is giving away most of the emissions rights. The most likely motive is to shift power to Washington – which is in line with the direction of the Administration’s other actions. Their strategy of moving quickly, attempting to curtail debate, and vilifying the opposition is also consistent with their actions in pushing for the stimulus package and for national health care. I think the goal in each of these cases has been/is to get something – anything – passed in order to get the federal foot in the door
...more here...

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