Tuesday, 1 September 2009

The green/left on trial...cont...

...a trial that is ostensibly over "global warming" and the green eco-porn fantasy of Thermageddon. A trial though that in reality, would deliberate on green/left credibility. Little wonder they fear it so much...The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has shocked the global warming debate by its formal call to hold a public global warming trial to decide on the “evidence” that mankind is driving a climate catastrophe. The Chamber seeks to have a complete trial “complete with witnesses, cross-examinations and a judge who would rule, essentially, on whether humans are warming the planet to dangerous effect.” Some are referring to the potential for a global warming trial as the “U.S. Chamber of Commerce wanting to put AGW creationism on trial.”
Brenda Ekwurzel of the environmental group Union of Concerned Scientists, is discouraging the idea of a trial. This is the same Ekwurzel who claimed global warming made it “less cool” this summer... More significantly, it is the same Ekwurzel who badly lost a public debate over man-made climate fears in 2007...No wonder the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has called for a full trial on global warming claims. Desperation time has arrived for the promoters of man-made global warming fears, as the science of man-made climate fears continues to collapse. [Update: U.S. Govt Scientist: If climate 'trial' occurred 'only those with religious convictions of warming claims would continue to hold any support for man-made global warming': 'Falsehood cannot be sustained indefinitely' - August 26, 2009]...more from Climate Depot here...

...and further to the tragic and untimely death of Teddy Kennedy see 'Kennedy Curse' Claims Life Of 77-Year-Old Tumor-Riddled Binge-Drinker...at The Onion, here...

...and news just to hand...we learn that in deference to The Archbishop of Canterbury and The Royal Commission for Political Correctness, it was announced today that the local climate in the UK should no longer be referred to as "English Weather"
Rather than offend a sizable portion of the population, it will now be referred to as ‘Muslim Weather.’ In other words – ‘partly Sunni, but mostly Shi’ite’...H/T again to Slattsnews...

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