Saturday, 16 May 2009

Shame, shame, shame....

...all our concerns about politics and political corruption and politicians' lies, pale into insignificance when we read, yet again, and again, and again of children being brutally tortured to death.
It happens in this country with regularity. It is reported with graphic detail. It reduces readers, MP's, police and ambulance personnel to angry tears. This sadistic violence is largely perpetrated by Maori men on Maori children. Maori have a melodious word in their language for love. It is aroha...yet the all pervasive culture of violence in Maori society shows no aroha, and the statistics of Maori violence show a sickness that shames and condemns their this if you dare...


Anonymous said...

"Aroha" more correctly translates as "sympathy" or "empathy."

MathewK said...

A similar thing happens here amongst the aboriginals. I don't know if it's just as bad, but one things for sure, they get away with it and the children suffer because we're too frightened to 'steal' the children from them.

Ayrdale said...

You may be right re "aroha". I'm certainly no linguist.

Love, sympathy, empathy whatever, it wasn't anywhere near that little boy.

KG said...

Oh, right, 'Anonymous', let's by all means argue over shades of meaning in the language of the primitives who perpetrate these outrages....
No wonder you comment as anonymous if that's all you can offer.
'Coward and fool' might be a better nick for you.

Diamond Mair said...

Is there ANY indication that child protective services were ever contacted, prior to Duwayne's {sp?} final beating?

That poor little boy - both "mother" & step-"father" got off too easy ................

Semper Fi'

Ayrdale said...

DM, nothing I've seen so far, indicates their involvement at all. One thing that is very likely though, and has been the case in previous incidents like this is that other adults were aware and possibly involved also.