Thursday, 21 May 2009

The dead hand of socialism... reaching into the pockets of the American public. Iowahawk is on to it, and addresses his ultimatum/response to Newsweek (and to the magazine industry in general) ...
...Iowahawk Special Guest Opinion by the three-week old Newsweek magazine...Hello again!
I see the dentist is running late with his 9:30 emergency crown replacement, and you've decided to browse me until the receptionist calls your name. And why not? Your choice of a waiting room magazine says a lot about you, and selecting Newsweek lets the other patients know that you're the kind of person who likes to stay up on all the latest early April current affairs, and my handy up-and-down color coded conventional wisdom arrows. Plus all the surprising new medical research studies that show women and men are different. For example, if you're a man you likely picked me for my gravitas, and because that pimply teenager over there waiting to get his braces adjusted already snagged the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. I mean, come on, like you were actually thinking about reading that copy of People instead?
Yes, I have always been there for you, a prestigious middlebrow time-filler helping you keep your mind off that upcoming root canal, ingrown toenail, or expensive brake job. And please, don't think my advertising department and I haven't appreciated the attention. But there comes a time for a magazine and its browser to sit down, reassess their whole relationship, and to evaluate where this thing is going...more here...

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