Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Le traison des clerc's (and the journalists)... responsible for their increasing unpopularity. With public disdain comes a lack of patronage and trust, and as DeadLion observes (commenting on the George Orwell Award for "writers who have made outstanding contributions to the critical analysis of public discourse") George Orwell's descriptive "newspeak" characterises today's MSM. Hence the blogosphere, and hence thoughtful analysis by ex-journo's and bloggers such as DeadLion... ...As Orwell and Auden pointed out, when language gets corrupted thought gets corrupted; and corrupt language and thinking has been in great evidence in the past 11 years and beyond. Auden, in September 1, 1939, called the 30s a low, dishonest decade. Well, the past decade can easily be so described. (Nick) Cohen's points about a de facto conspiracy among the BBC and the Guardian to do down Euston Manifesto type journalists who won't swallow the Left's take on Islamism and related matters (ie, climate change, and diverse green propaganda) is worth serious consideration...
...(recent past winners) have never written a word I have found 'original, beautiful', or 'showing steely analysis and courageous independence of mind'. They simply parrot Islington dinner party socialism/big government solutions, even when big government solutions have been found as wanting as small government sink-or-swim. I would re-award the prize to Toynbee myself if she had the 'courageous independence of mind' to admit that her - and Labour's - big ideas for the poor have caused more harm - to the poor and everyone else - than good. I can't help thinking George Orwell would have noticed by now...more from the esteemed deadLion here...

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