Tuesday, 24 February 2009

This post brought to you by the green movement...

...this, in an unusually serious vein, from the maestro Iowahawk...

...This is Bakouma Kpatekatola, a young man from the West African nation of Togo. In 2003, when Bakouma was 9 years old, my family became his sponsor through the Childreach-Plan USA organization. In the years since we became occasional pen pals; a few times a year we'd get a letter from him, in his native French, along with an English translation from his caseworker. Sometimes he spoke of coming to America. At Christmas the letters would contain a photo, which we ritually magnetted up on the fridge to chronicle his growth. We reciprocated with our family pictures. I sometimes wondered if he wondered about us like we wondered about him. I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I didn't really notice when we didn't receive his annual Christmas letter last year. Yesterday we received a letter from his caseworker explaining why: Bakouma died in December of malaria. He was 14 years old...more here...

...ah, the hypocrisy of the "caring" left...Denis Dutton made Iowahawk's exact point in the NZ Herald in 2002...Why fear mongering greens doom children to death... remember this, when the attractive, naive young greenpeace volunteer accosts you in the mall next time...


MathewK said...

I still remember many years ago learning that DDT was a bad thing, thanks to the greens and lefties and in the last 2 years i heard about some professor in America who used to eat spoonfuls of the powder to prove that there was nothing wrong with it.

Bastards, with blood on their hands.

Ayrdale said...

Their hypocrisy, and media compliance with it is breathtaking.

It can't last, and we'll look back on these decades with absolute incredulity that we tolerated such crap. This (global warming debate)I think though is likely to be their last stand.

Anonymous said...

Back in the days when the availabilty of electricity was in the scientists mind, the Foster brothers in Melbourne, opened up a steam driven ice works to cool their local brews.

In the 1880's ice in Australia was a very rare commoditiy, unless you happened to live in the snowy mountains, and any ice available for cooling home 'safes' had to be shipped in from the northwest America's. And I might add here, only the well to do could afford such luxury.

So it was with the Foster brothers AKA Fosters lager, that ice became freely available to the population of Melbourne, providing that you did not object to the trapped air bubbles in the ice, which the precursors of the Greens, known as the Wowsers, said was no good for you!

Idiots dwell in all ages, our age is not different from others except the idiots have a wider audience due to the broadcasting medium that is available to them.

Beware the idiot!

Ayrdale said...

Thanks Nemesis...the idiots and cranks, and those frightened of alien abduction used to dwell on the fringes though. These days they threaten to run, and ruin our lives, not to mention the harm they do to the needy of the 3rd world...

Never mind, today's Friday, I'll have a Fosters on the strength of that anecdote...