Thursday, 19 November 2009

The year of the sceptic...

...The worst kept secret in the world is finally out; the climate change summit in Copenhagen is going to be little more than a photo opportunity for world leaders...and as such a disaster for the green/left. Their failure comes at a high cost. Despite the millions of dollars spent by Al Gore, the Hollywood elites, and the United Nations, climate alarmism has failed, and with Copenhagen a certain failure, it's safe to say that (US) cap-and-trade is dead. Thus efforts to pass the largest tax increase in American history have clearly failed, handing the American people a tremendous victory...with H/T and thanks to blogger Tom Nelson...and this below from the Wall St. Journal this morning...

"'Now is the time to confront this challenge once and for all,' President-elect Obama said of global warming last November. ‘Delay is no longer an option.' It turns out that delay really is an option-the only one that has world-wide support...see Revenge of the Climate Laymen, from the WSJ here....AND THIS below from Senator James Inhofe...

...Mr. President, through my position as the Chair and Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee since 2003, I have been the lead Senator standing up and exposing the science, the costs, and the hysteria behind global warming alarmism. And I will be travelling to Copenhagen, leading what I call the "Truth Squad" to say exactly what I said six years ago in Milan, Italy: The United States will not support a global warming treaty that will significantly damage the American economy...I also said in Milan that the science is not settled. That was an unpopular view back then. But today, since Al Gore's science fiction movie, more and more scientists, reporters, and politicians are questioning global warming alarmism. I proudly declare 2009 as the "Year of the Skeptic"-the year in which scientists who question the so-called global warming consensus are being heard...more here...
...and bloody hell, credit where it's due. Take a bow George W. Bush and John Howard, who refused to sign the ludicrous Kyoto protocol and struck a blow for rationalism...

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