Says Kerry "...A highly organized, well-funded movement to deny the reality of global climate change has been up and running for a long time, but it doesn’t change the verdict: the problem is real, it’s accelerating, and we have to act. Now. Not years from now...Stubborn or stupid — lets have a real debate and lets have it now.I know George Will well, I respect his intellect and his powers of persuasion — but I’d happily debate him any day on this question so critical to our survival..."
Wonderful news. Let's hope this is not mere bravado from John Kerry and that the chance for real debate doesn't slip away...the question is too important and the cost to us all is too high to ignore. If this debate comes to pass, then further televised debate between scientists would be a logical consequence...and the ratings !
Read more, here...
Someone must write, and possibly is writing a book about this unprecedented debate in modern scientific circles. An outsider can only begin to imagine the hostility within a university or research campus, (Auckland University for example) where staff exchange barbs via the letters column to the local paper. Shades of Kingsley Amis' Lucky Jim !
"A highly organized, well-funded movement to deny the reality of global climate change has been up and running for a long time..."
What! Surely that fool is talking about the global warming alarmists. After all they've been pushing this BS for quite a while now and they're also desperate to silence anyone who dares to question their wretched religion.
Bring on the debate, hopefully Kerry will bring a gang of his fellow lunatics, to keep things fair, if you know what i mean.
...and Monckton I think against Al Gore...
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