Greenies concerned about toilet paper, ( OMG it's made from trees ! ) have urged rationing and limited use, ie, recomending no more than 2 wipes and a gentle polish per sitting, but to be even more earth friendly, and in the hope of diminishing their carbon um, bumprint, have now come up with the greener (browner ?) alternative to paper; (and this is not a spoof,) recyclable cloth bum wipes...
...Using cloth toilet wipes actually has many advantages. For one, it's a lot more comfortable and soft on your most delicate body parts. It's also more economical, uses less paper, and saves you those late-night trips to the store. And cloth wipes can be used wet without any of the sopping disintegration that regular toilet paper is prone to. For a discussion of the practical aspects of using cloth toilet wipes, please check out our page detailing How to Use Cloth Wipes... (caution, may offend...)
...Wallypop customer Mary F. prefers to keep her wipes stacked in a basket next to the toilet, and her used wipes go in the wet bag hanging from the toilet paper holder...
...For some people, making the switch to cloth toilet wipes is a huge leap, that's true. But it doesn't need to be!
...Lately, with all the media attention, there've been a lot of naysayers talking about the stench. I can honestly say, our wipes don't stink...
...They even have a hemp alternative variety, and they don't stink...more, from Wallypop Family Wipes, here...
Corporate motto of Wallypop Family Wipes...Let us Explore your Niche Market...
Whats wrong with a pointed stick?
(for them)
Bloody good idea OB.
Perhaps they don't notice the stink because usually those hardcore greenie/hippie types already have a certain aroma about them.
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