Friday, 27 March 2009

Hot news... hot tip re hot air...

...from invitation to join the campaign against Earth Hour. Totally free, and the chance to add a pithy statement about AGW BS to the greenie website , and be in to win a Toyota Prius !
If YOU are the lucky winner, you could trade the Prius in for a big old 4WD !
...Earth Day enthusiasts of course are very similar to the End Time fundamentalist Christians, sad souls burdened by guilt and searching for punishment and redemption. Both groups are hoping for the Messiah and The Rapture; The Messiah may be here, but us bloggers keep denying the greens their Rapture... Both groups too, feel that man's wickedness will lead to damnation and hellfire, and the deliverance from evil will come with such a thunderclap that all on Earth will repent and sin/consume no more...
... while waiting for rapturous times follow these instructions on Saturday night... 8.30pm, on the 28th of March 2009, turn on every light in your house for one hour to protest at the rubbish you are being fed by the politicians and those calling themselves scientists and historians who are either lying to the public or are incompetent if they think that the fact we have just come off the little ice age is anything new......enter to win the Prius here...
...and post-mortem on Earth day in NZ; Orion New Zealand estimated the electricity saved in the city during the lights-out event was 8.1%, well short of last year’s 12.8%....

PPS...and you thought the hole in the ozone layer was caused by CFC's ?
maybe not...see WuWT here...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, I'll definately check it out.

Nice blog, you should claim it in Technorati as you's start on a reasonable amount of authority.

Ayrdale said...

thanks Bree...hope the prius comes your way !

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately we're out in the country so people wouldn't notice if we left all the lights on. But it would probably be far more eco-friendly to do that than burn chinese-made parrafin wax candles, as all the greenies will be doing!

Love the tagline for your blog!

Ayrdale said...

Thanks Mr D. Check him out on Google, particularly when teamed up with George Soros, the currency manipulator...

MathewK said...

A waste of space, it went by without any fanfare out where i live.

Ayrdale said...

How about the 1.6 billion people in the world without electricity, marvelling at our stupidity...

Nina the Nomad said...

Thankks for sharing