Tuesday, 9 February 2010

The Australian ETS is dead...

...and with it the hopes of Australian power hungry super statists. Two factors will have to unite to revive the dead beast, one of which is a renewed trust in the now discredited field of "climate science", the other an alarming upsurge in global temperatures with accompanying climate catastrophes. This morning's NZ Herald reports...

  • ...since the Copenhagen summit, support for an ETS - previously steady at 66 per cent - had dived 10 points.
  • ...45 per cent preferred Tony Abbott's alternative plan, with 39 per cent supporting Rudd's ETS.
  • ...belief that CO2 was a greenhouse gas had slumped from 62 per cent to 54 per cent, the proportion of Australians believing there was a risk of catastrophic climate change had slipped from 55 to 49 per cent.
  • ...(The Labor Government's) lead in the two-party preferred vote had narrowed by two points since November, with Labor at 54 per cent and the Coalition at 46.
  • ...Preference for Rudd as Prime Minister had slumped from 68 per cent to 58 against Abbott's 31; 10 points ahead of Turnbull's rating when the last Neilsen poll was made in November...more here...

Which of course begs the question, where to for tiny NZ ? Apart from NZ and a limited European Union scheme, no other country has yet adopted an ETS, for many very good reasons, all of them detailed in this blog and many others...

...and from The Economist, H/T Anon. comments yesterday, news that the USA are considering an alternative to their ETS Cap and Trade bill, Cap-and-Dividend ...

...and a word of warning, with links to useful sites re the physics of global warming, from blogger CountingCats...It does sometimes feel now as if there’s not as much point in researching this any more – with Climategate and the turning of the tide in the British media, I almost feel as if it’s already all over. That we just need to sweep up the pieces. But it isn’t, and there are people over there thinking that if they can just ride out the storm until the public lose interest again, they can carry on with their schemes as before.
And we not only need to stop them, but we need to remember – to scorch the knowledge into society’s collective memory – so that when the next big scare comes along, which it will, it won’t have dropped down the memory hole again, like all the others, and we might actually have learned something useful from it all
...more here...

...and Quote of the Day..."Almost everywhere, climate change denial now looks as stupid and as unacceptable as Holocaust denial." George Monbiot, The Guardian, 21 September 2006


Ron Russell said...

Climategate has certainly taken its toll on the warming radicals. People will always find boggiemen to help advance their causes so we must always keep our guard up.

Ayrdale said...

Ron, and we must too be aware of the encroachment of the green police, a point I thought that Audi made very well with its Superbowl commercial.

Anonymous said...

And the food police, the thought police, the speech police, the smoking police etc, etc.

Geir from Norway said...

The ETS has (as so many other taxes) no bases in reality. It will not be used as the kind people think, to combat climate change or pollution or anything, it will be used for Control, pure and simply Religious Control.

If you believe with all your heart that the good old-fashioned light bulbs lead the whole world out to destruction, of course you will work for the eradication of such light bulbs.

Therefore, there is no use in discussing the light bulbs. As I told elsewhere on this blog, people believe authority, most often without even discussing it. It is so much easier to believe it wholesale than discussing.

The ETS is like a Christmas gift to the politicians, some of whom wish money for their plans and others because they religiously want to control other people's behavious.

IPCC is the authority for them, telling that they may recieve this Christmas gift and use it, just as a kid looks astonished on his parents when he receives a brilliant gift which he instantly thinks he doesn't deserve.

IPCC lies, the politicians lie, and they become very angry when you take away their gift.

The whole IPCC work is done in order to create the impression of an infallible authority. We are working against the equivalent of a global church. The foundations of which can be eradicated, true, but it takes time.

Chesterton is often quoted as saying: When people cease to believe in something, they will not then believe in nothing. They will believe in anything.

Anonymous said...

Great article as always Arydale. Keep up the good work. As long as we stand up and speak out the media will only look silly.
Rudd made a fool of himself in front of schoolkids last night as they questioned him on climate change. The tide is turning.

Ayrdale said...

Thanks Geir and TWAWKI.

The holy green church is losing adherents every day and I am hopeful that as its credibility vanishes its high priests will be deprived of another opportunity to reinvent themselves.