Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Oh frabjous day, calloo callay...

...the link to this article from a commenter below had me chortling with joy this morning, headed ...Science Museum's climate change poll backfires...(see disgruntled museum curator Mr Rintin Fintin Bintin at left) ...A poll by the Science Museum designed to convince the nation of the perils posed by climate change has backfired after being hijacked by sceptics... The museum’s Prove It! website, (link here ) which is designed to influence politicians at the Copenhagen climate summit in December, allows members of the public to pledge their support, or lack of it, to the environmentalist cause. But so far those backing the campaign are out-numbered nearly six-to-one by opponents. By Saturday, 2,385 people who took the poll said “count me out” compared to just 415 who said “count me in”, after being asked whether they agreed with the statement: “I’ve seen the evidence. And I want the government to prove they’re serious about climate change by negotiating a strong, effective, fair deal at Copenhagen.” The website, which accompanies a major new exhibition at the venerable South Kensington museum, claims to offer "all the evidence you need to believe in climate change"...more from the UK Telegraph here... and note the FINAL results here after multiple votes were discounted...
...and this from Clive James, writing in the BBC news in praise of global warming/climate change scepticism, sliced deep fried golf balls and potato chips...In Montaigne's day you could get into terminal trouble for taking scepticism too far, which is probably one of the reasons why not even he pushed it on the subject of religion. Since then, a sceptical attitude has been less likely to get you burned at the stake, but it's notable how the issue of man-made global warming has lately been giving rise to a use of language hard to distinguish from heresy-hunting in the fine old style by which the cost of voicing a doubt was to fry in your own fat...more here...
...AND (off topic totally) quote of the day, from the misogynistic, hedonistic, dangerous and deluded bounder and cad Roissy...Many men are crippled by doubt. They have no understanding of the possible. To these men I say: Stop listening to the jealous naysayers, the bitter betas, the furious fembots, the condescending scolds, the cackling c**ts, your Mom, your Dad, your drinking buddies, your aging ex, your fat girlfriend, your boss, society, the world. They don’t have your best interest at heart. They never did, and they never will. You have no idea just what you are capable of as a man. Game is that powerful...read more from Roissy, about Game, here...

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