Friday, 5 December 2008

The reality of South Africa today...

...South Africa has slowly slipped away from the international spotlight after being the cause celebre of the international left for many decades.
It is up to expatriates who mourn for their homeland to direct attention to the ongoing human rights abuses that continue to stain their lost country. Many of these expats have families left behind, languishing, hoping for better times...


KG said...

And the leftists who helped bring this about are silent,of course.
But then they always were perfectly happy to see murder committed in pursuit of their rotten ideology--just so long as it's the correct people doing it.

Tuscan Tony said...

Spent last night with a SA expat; he's shifting himself to England whilst maintaining a toehold or two in Cape Town. He was most upset when I gazed into my crystal ball re the value of Sterling vs. Euro. Having said that, not sure whether the current Western administrations will allow SA to fail, for ideological reasons.

Enjoyed the blog very much, by the way.