Sunday, 23 November 2008

Cop bashing...a favourite PC kiwi pastime ...

...the continuing obsession with the Rickard, Shipton, Louise Nicholls rape is a reminder of our intolerant, introspective and infantile Kiwi mentality. Sure, it's only a PC media witch hunt, and we have learnt that our media are as hypocritical, prejudiced and intolerant of non-PC people as any in the world, but where is the disgust and disdain of Joe Public in the face of the persecution and victimisation of Rickard and Shipton? Has there ever been such a degree of media attention on any other offenders ? Is their crime (and Rickards was acquitted,) so loathsome that it deserves this degree of media hate ?
Louise Nicholls has had her day of expiation as a wanton teenager... wronged, raped and now sanctified as Woman of the Year. The perpretators of her rape have been publically lashed, humiliated and sentenced. So WTF is the reason for the on going, hysterical and self indulgent media fixation on Shipton, Rickard et al ? Answer ? The police have to become the guardians of the new non-sexist, non-racist PC state...and in the UK, the much love British bobby seems to have has morphed into an obedient Stasi member...more here...and here...
Here's one Kiwi who wishes the remaining good people in our police force and these blokes well, and who sympathises with them and their families as they try to put their lives back together...
And, now here's a surprise; (to me anyway) green co leader; the arch PC Russell Norman has publically defended Rickard, the lambasting he gets from his comrades...

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