Tuesday, 5 July 2011

A greenie pie thrower recants (2)

...you mustn't believe green zealots - and I should know, I was one says the confession in this morning's UK Daily Mail. This is from Mark Lynas, who sadly escaped a broken nose after throwing a pie in Bjorn Lomborg's face. Perhaps his hooter may yet receive attention from his angry lefty ex-friends ... However, we must be charitable, and recognise his penitence. He now joins George Monbiot who acknowledges the shameful history of green lies over nuclear energy. How long will it be before green activists such as Monbiot and Lynas face up to green perfidy over AGW, GM crops, DDT, coral bleaching, acid rain... ? No matter, enjoy this now...
... I used to passionately oppose not only nuclear power but GM crops. I once even threw a pie in the face of a Danish scientist who dared to question the orthodox environmental line. So what changed? Through research, (oh yeah ?) I found that much of what I believed about environmental issues had little, if any, basis in science. Put simply, though my concerns were right, my solutions were wrong. In my new book, I propose that Campaigning groups such as Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth insist climate change is the greatest threat humanity has ever faced, while doggedly refusing to reconsider their opposition to atomic power stations, which already provide massive amounts of zero-carbon electricity and could yield much more...had the green movement of the Seventies and Eighties supported nuclear power — instead of violently opposing plans for greater use of atomic energy, a move that led to more coal power plants being built — we would not be facing the climate crisis we are ...One of the reasons the Green movement is failing to attract support is that it has too much cultural baggage and is too ideologically rigid. Any reconsideration of the orthodox position — even for the sake of the environment — is seen as a betrayal. Politically speaking, the Green Party is trapped in the irrelevance of the Far Left...read more hand wringing from this climate alarmist here...
...AND from Spiked...The attempt to locate planetary boundaries is equally an attempt to locate boundaries for humanity – to put it in its place within a supposed natural order. And within that order is a design for political institutions that are not legitimised by the public contest of values and ideas, but by the claim that they are necessary for ‘saving the planet’ and ourselves. Environmentalism is an ugly political experiment. That experiment failed, but not simply because its material science was flawed. Just as it was environmentalism’s political failure that preceded Lynas’s revision of its scientific basis, environmentalism’s political idea - its ideology - precedes the science. Rewriting the science won’t make the experiment any more successful for Lynas than it was for Ehrlich...more here...
An apology to the courageous Bjorn Lomborg might be in order Mr Lynas...


Anonymous said...

The Green Party is THE FAR LEFT...Communist is their correct name.
The real irony is that an eminent KIWI Rutherford was at the forefront of Atomic Power...and yet we are a supposedly Proud Anti Nuclear Country.

Ayrdale said...

You are so right. I think green poseurs know though, that their green bubble has burst. Their influence is waning, in spite of a sycophantic news media, simply because too many people know the truth.