Monday, 5 October 2009

Unprecedented warming ?

...a basic tenet of Al Gore's climate porn movie "An Inconvenient Truth" and all green left climate hysteria is that recent warming of the planet is without parallell in our history...well Al et al, it's still bad news week...
Postings here last week have been about a major problem with historic tree ring data, data that was used to create Al's infamous "hockey stick" graph. Today we have news from the ANDRILL experiment in Antarctica of a scientific breakthrough; the proof of "a sudden, remarkably warm period in Antarctica that occurred about 15.7 million years ago and lasted for a few thousand years...."
ANDRILL is a multinational collaboration between the Antarctic Programs of the United States, New Zealand, (ta ra !) Italy and Germany...We all analyzed the new samples and saw a 2,000 fold increase in two species of fossil dinoflagellate cysts, a five-fold increase in freshwater algae and up to an 80-fold increase in terrestrial pollen,” said Warny. “Together, these shifts in the microfossil assemblages represent a relatively short period of time during which Antarctica became abruptly much warmer.”
Real climate science is ongoing, the complex mechanisms of climate change are little understood, and every day we see evidence that incorrect assumptions have been made about our contribution to climate change...from the comments... I do not, for the record, think that the frantic efforts to lower CO2 emissions to 19C levels are a rational response to this, partly because of the lack of evidence that it will work, partly because warming is not the problem. The problem is, we may get climate fluctuations large enough to threaten us, and right now we have no idea what we would do about it...more here...
...and as an interesting aside...The Central England Temperature (CET) record, starting in 1659 and maintained by the UK Met Office, is the longest unbroken temperature record in the world. Temperature data is averaged for a number of weather stations regarded as being representative of Central England rather than measuring temperature at one arbitrary geographical point identified as the centre of England.A Scottish statistician, Wilson Flood, has collected and analysed the 351 year CET record. Here is the comparison of the 18th Century with the 20th Century:Wilson Flood comments: “Summers in the second half of the 20th century were warmer than those in the first half and it could be argued that this was a global warming signal. However, the average CET summer temperature in the 18th century was 15.46 degC while that for the 20th century was 15.35 degC. Far from being warmer due to assumed global warming, comparison of actual temperature data shows that UK summers in the 20th century were cooler than those of two centuries on graph to enlarge ...h/t A Western Heart...
...and just because it's Monday...


Anonymous said...

Bravo, bravo. Keep up the good work. Let the facts fly.

Ayrdale said...

Gday anonymice.

Did you see this ?