Thursday, 15 January 2009

As the world turns...

...the children still play in the street (remember those summer nights ?) and the thought of human extinction via climate change, suicide bombers and religous fanatics at war in another hemisphere fades into an insignificant twilight...
This is Mount Maunganui, New Zealand at 7.25pm looking north east. (Click on image to enlarge.) Food is cooking on the BBQ and the calls and laughter of the children playing up the street are audible from my deck.
End times ? Nostradamus and his mumbo jumbo revisited ? Climate catastrophe ? Not a bit of any of it. Just the usual human anger, frustration, ego and guilt masquerading as concern...and the happy noise of children enjoying a summer evening.
My grandmother long dead reassured my mother aged 13 and dead 3 weeks ago that the German bombs seen falling over RAF St Athan in 1940 did not represent the end of the world. "Life goes on girl" she said...


Anonymous said...

Nicely said. Jas

Chancelucky said...

True enough, unless you're one of the people hit by the bombs. I do think we need to treat the world well, whatever that means. At the same time we need to enjoy what life does give us. Whatever one's feelings about global warming, terrorists, etc., or whatever befalls all of us, we need to recognize the beauty in the world and in life and appreciate it in your hemisphere and mine.